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Because Flux is using the p2p framework AD4M, you don't have to worry about creating a database, or maintain server infrastructure. This makes it super easy to create new content in the community that is using your plugin.

Subjects in ADAM is basically a way to create definitions of "concepts" in Neighbourhood that can be used similar to a database schema.

You are free to create any kind of Subject for your data, but let's start with the common types that are used by Flux.

Built-in models

Because Flux Plugins share a lot of functionality, it comes bundled with several commonly used models that can be imported from @coasys/flux-api:

  • Community
  • Channel
  • Plugin
  • Message
  • Post
import { useSubject } from "@fluxapp/react";
import { Community } from "@coasys/flux-api";

const { entry: community } = useSubject({
  subject: Community,

Custom models

Defining your own models can be done by creating a new SDNAClass. The below shows an example Todo subject, which is included as an example in the @coasys/flux-create-plugin boilerplate:

// models/Todo.ts

import { SDNAClass, SubjectProperty, SubjectFlag } from "@coasys/ad4m";

  name: "Todo",
export default class Todo {
    through: "flux://entry_type",
    value: "flux://has_todo",
  type: string;

    through: "rdf://title",
    writable: true,
    resolveLanguage: "literal",
  title: string;

    through: "rdf://description",
    writable: true,
    resolveLanguage: "literal",
  desc: string;

    through: "rdf://status",
    writable: true,
    resolveLanguage: "literal",
  done: boolean;